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Register now for the first Best Practices event on Ancestral Hydrotechnologies


Updated: Mar 9, 2021

You can now register for the first Best Practices event on Ancestral Hydrotechnologies for climate, health and food emergency -Case Studies from Iberoamerica-, which will be held this next March 11.

The UNESCO Chair on Sustainability (UNESCOSOST) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Program, represented by the Montevideo Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (PHI-LAC) and its Water Education and Cultures Working Group in Latin America and the Caribbean (GT ECA-LAC), in collaboration with the following networks: RECNET, NATURA and CYTED Siembra y Cosecha del Agua, join forces to publicize, promote and revalue ancestral hydrotechnologies. The objective of the call is to identify opportunities that allow to rescue this cultural heritage and put it at the service of the processes that are being carried out in the region to face the climate, health and food emergency scenarios.

After an open call, a total of 12 emblematic cases and best practices from 5 countries (Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia) have been selected and presented. At the event on March 11, these ancestral hydrotechnologies will be presented, with great potential for their use in the face of the climate and food emergency. In addition, a multidisciplinary panel of experts will talk about the importance of the use today of these ancient hydrotechnologies.

DAY: Thursday March 11


9:00 AM-12:00 PM Mexico/Honduras

10:00 AM-13:00 PM Colombia/Panamá/Perú

11:00 AM-14:00 PM Bolivia

12:00 PM -15:00 PM Uruguay/Brasil/Chile

16:00 PM -19: 00 PM Spain

PRICE: Free, after confirmation and registration.

LANGUAGE: The event will be in spanish.


Download the detailed program here.

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