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Smart City World Congress Expo. Presentation the Resilient Cities Series Publications.

Updated: Dec 8, 2018

On Tuesday, November 13, the first volume of the Resilient Cities series was presented at the East Agora of the Smart City Expo World Congress: Urban Resilience for Risk and Adaptation Governance, Theory and Practice.

Smart City Expo World Congress

Tuesday 13th November

13:30 - 14:00

East Agora,

Fira de Gran Via*

This book brings together a series of theory and practice essays on risk management and adaptation in urban contexts within a resilient and multidimensional perspective. The book proposes a transversal approach with regard to the role of spatial planning in promoting and fostering risk management as well as institutions’ challenges for governing risk, particularly in relation to new forms of multi-level governance that may include stakeholders and citizen engagement.

The different contributions focus on approaches, policies, and practices able to contrast risks in urban systems generating social inclusion, equity and participation through bottom-up governance forms and co-evolution principles. Case studies focus on lessons learned, as well as the potential and means for their replication and upscaling, also through capacity building and knowledge transfer. Among many other topics, the book explores difficulties encountered in, and creative solutions found, community and local experiences and capacities, organizational processes and integrative institutional, technical approaches to risk issue in cities.

Here the link to the online program

Here the link to the pdf program

Here the link  to Resilient Cities book series

Here the link to the book Urban Resilience for Risk and Adaptation Governance

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