The Nature-Based solutions for Urban Resilience in the Anthropocene (Natura network) links 26 networks in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, North and Latin America and globally to enhance connectivity among the world's scholars and practitioners and improve the prospects for global urban sustainability. On Wednesday 17th June 2020, the Latin America regional group will be presented, in the framework of the NATURA Network's First Virtual All-Hands Meeting, that will take place Tuesday, June 16 - Thursday, June 18, 2020, on Zoom!.

Latina America Regional group presentation
Day: Wednesday, June 17
12:00 pm (Bogota)
13:00 pm (Santiago de Chile)
14:00 pm (Salvador de Bahia, Brasil)
19:00 pm (Barcelona)
Duration: 1 hour
Meeting ID: 594 283 3218
Language: English
Can we take profit from recent health crisis and boost new solutions for dense urban areas in Latin America? How can we manage the highly altered and often densely populated urban river basins? Can we adress specific urban challanges such as food and water security, climate change, human health and disaster risk reduction using Nature-Based Solutions?
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are defined as actions to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems, which address societal challenges (e.g. climate change, food and water security or natural disasters) effectively and adaptively, while simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits.
Studying and implementing urban sustainability initiatives in countries of the global south requires recognizing informality as part of the permanent dynamics affecting
social, ecological and technological systems. Indeed, urban informality constitutes one
of the main engines of urban development in the global south.
Which Latin American specific challenges with regard to Nature-Based solutions? How can NATURA network can be useful and most beneficial for all LA Networks? These will be the first discussions on our first LA Regional Group.
Utilizing the vast expertise of NATURA network -- along with the strong community linkages
already developed in Latin America -- this regional group has a significant opportunity to
promote NbS, also in dialogue with urban resilience leaders across Latin America, and in the global south more widely. We propose the following cross-cutting synthesis goals that can be addressed by collaboration of researchers and practitioners across NATURA networks, to specifically advance the implementation of NBS in the context of informality:
Diagnostic tools: Integrate innovative approaches to understand the dynamics of informality as part of the territorial diagnosis and preliminary studies to design NBS in urban areas
Informing implementation: Advances in knowledge and methodologies for the adoption of technological innovations and the implementation of inclusive transformative processes in the context of informality
Mechanics of governance: Integrate different readings on the political conflicts that underlie informality as part of developing resilience initiatives, guidelines and methodologies to support decision making and management pathways for NBS.
As an important part of knowledge sharing, researchers and practitioners will work together on applications of nature-based solutions (NBS) in a wide range of social, ecological, and technological contexts addressing five gaps:
Synergistic benefits of bundles of NBS for urban resilience
Role of social-cultural (S) context in NBS outcomes
Role of ecological-biophysical (E) context in NBS outcomes
Role of technological-infrastructural (T) context in NBS outcomes
Role of SET interactions in NBS outcomes
Come and discuss with us which issues could be more important to work during next 5 years. Your opinion matters!!
Download the Program: Here
Meeting ID: 594 283 3218