About the program:
The project entitled: "Methodological Proposal associated with the rescue of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Family Agricultural Systems and the promotion of Food Security", it seeks to contribute to the realization of a social project of community and participatory in the town of San José de Rincón, Puebla, Mexico.
A methodological proposal will be carried out that will help in the construction of a participative project focused on getting to know with the community the Family Agricultural System (SAF), Traditional Ecological Knowledge (CET) and the Food Security situation (SA ) in the town of San José de Rincón.

SAF refer to family-scale production of plant and animal species. These systems are known as family gardens. The studies of SAF have revealed that this type of production porvides such products: vegetables, grains, aromatic plants, medicinal plants, fruit, milk, egg, among others. The peculiarity of this activity is that it is carried out close to the family unit, being an alternative in rural areas where products grown on a large scale do not represent an option for family feeding (Ruiz & Méndez, 2015).
SAF are considered Socioecological Systems (SSE) because they are made up of two subsystems: the social and ecological system. Within SSE are the Ecosystem Services that offer families supply services (food, fuel, water, wood and fiber); regulation (climate, water purification and disease regulation); of support (nutrient cycle, soil formation and primary production); and cultural (spiritual, educational and recreational) (MEA, 2005).
For the development of the research objectives, we map three socio-environmental problems related to the SAF of Mexico:
Degradation of family socio-agricultural systems due to historical-structural factors, high rates of migration from the countryside to the United States, as well as the global environmental crisis and the realization of extractive activities such as fracking in natural areas where rural and indigenous population lives.
The rejection and / or ignorance of the traditional ecological knowledge of the local rural and indigenous population, important as ancestral technologies, knowledge and experiences on the management of natural resources and symbolic practices in interaction with nature.
Due to historical-structural factors such as the abandonment of agricultural activity due to migration, the problem of lack of food security is observed, understood as the lack of access, availability and stability of food, in an unequal situation in terms of coverage, as well as the increase in the levels of poverty and malnutrition in rural and indigenous areas.
Develop a methodological proposal for the planning and implementation of a community and participatory project that serves to rescue existing traditional knowledge in family agricultural systems, as well as improve the quality of life of the population through the implementation of mechanisms that guarantee food security.
Martínez, C. (2000). Sáquele provecho a su traspatio. México: Fomento a la Actividad Productiva del traspatio.
Pérez, R., Silva, S., & Hernández, S. (2005). Los Retos del Desarrollo Rural Sustentable: experiencias y desafíos en México”. “Una reflexión sobre el lugar como referente de análisis de la lucha campesina en defensa de sus recursos naturales". Puebla: DUDESU-ICUAP-BUAP.
Ruiz, J., & Méndez, J. (2015). Caracterización del componente animal de los traspatios de San José el Rincón, Puebla. Puebla: DUDESU.
