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Technical visit to the vegetated wall prototype “wetwall”

The first technical visit to the prototype WETWALL Barcelona was held on January 16, 2018 and was attended by representatives of the UPC, UPF, ICSURO and doctoral students.

An innovative concept for the treatment of urban wastewater. In the face of future threats to the reduction of land availability and the exponential growth of the population, nature-based solutions (NBS), such as green walls, which can occupy vertical spaces for the treatment of gray water, can represent a sustainable strategy that refers to the mitigation of climate change.

In this sense, WETWALL is a concept of green façade designed for the treatment of gray water that integrates the concepts of the circular economy through the reuse of sub-products of different production chains as filter substrates. The concept is being developed by the Joana América Castellar da Cunha PhD student of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability - Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), collaborating with Pompeu Fabra University, AArhus University and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ- Brazil).

The development of the prototype had the collaboration of companies and institutions such as Aldrufeu and associats, YTONG, EIXVERD and Instituto Catalán del cork (ICSURO), which donated the plants and substrates, respectively.

The main objective of the technical visit was to present the innovations proposed by the doctoral thesis in the field of design of the WETWALL prototype for gray water treatment.

La primera visita técnica al prototipo WETWALL Barcelona se realizó el día 16 de enero de 2018 y contó con la presencia representantes de la UPC, de la UPF, del ICSURO y doctorandos.

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