Register for the 2nd meeting (March 18): Best Practices on Ancestral Hydrotechnologies
Cátedra UNESCO de Sostenibilidad
Register now for the first Best Practices event on Ancestral Hydrotechnologies
Interview with Sergio Martos Rosillo from the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain
Benefits and Opportunities of Nature-Based Solutions
Sign up for the LAC Regional Group meeting of NATURA Network in TNOC
UNESCOSOST and Transcriativa: Sustainability and Bogorodó
International call: Ancestral Hydrotechnologies Good Practices for Climate Emergency
First Latin American meeting of young people for agriculture and the environment against COVID19.
Women, Science and Technology Congress returns in virtual format
Exploring creatibity in Brasil with Transcriativa
Call for the 2nd International Congress on Water and Sustainability
A Low-tech Plastic Recycle Experience for Social Transformation
UNESCOSOST launch the second meeting with the regional group LAC of NATURA Network
Harvesting rainwater: A climate change adaptation strategy
Positive research results for regenerative livestock farming
Can forests improve hydrological ecosystem services?
New version of the meeting; Women, science and technology
Indicators to measure circularity in buildings - GBCe
Marwa Ben Saad PhD on macrophyte filters to improve water quality
UNESCOSOST and ODACC Internacional: an alliance for virtual environmental training