The UNESCO Chair on Sustainability (UNESCOSOST Joint Office at Universidade Federal da Bahia) will present the RESURBE International Program on Urban and Regional Resilience next Tuesday, August 20th, in the Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week that will be held next 19-23 August 2019, at Salvador Brazil.

The Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week aims to foster engagement between the public and private sector, cities and municipalities, academia and civil society with the common goal of addressing the climate emergency, and provides an opportunity to discuss climate action, key vulnerabilities and challanges from a distinct Latin American and Caribbean perspective. It convenes key actors from the region to increase ambition, to learn and exchange knowledge and best practices on the implementation of national climate plans, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and global climate action, and to assess, plan jointly or create new climate action initiatives.
The UNESCO Chair on Sustainability (UNESCOSOST Joint Office at Universidade Federal da Bahia) will present the RESURBE International Program on Urban and Regional Resilience, Cooperation with systemic transition of cities, next Tuesday, August 20th, at 14:10 h. in the Action Hub. The Action Hub provides a platform for Non-Governmental Organizations, Intergovernmental Organizations, Youth Organizations, as well as Educational Institutions from the Latin American and the Caribbean region.
Take part in Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week! For more information visit website